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uReserve User's Guide

Version 2.0
Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002; Microburst Technologies, Inc.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. System Requirements
  4. CGI Script Configuration
  5. Installing The Script on Your Server
  6. Troubleshooting
  7. uReserve Control Panel
  8. uReserve Resource Scheduler


uReserveTM is an online resource scheduling system that allows members in your organization to reserve any type of resource such as conference rooms, computer systems, electronic equipment, company cars, and more! User-friendly, web-based interfaces make it easy for people to check the availability of resources and reserve the resources online.


The features of the uReserveTM include:

System Requirements

uReserveTM consists of one Perl CGI script, so the only system requirement is:

CGI Script Configuration

uReserveTM has one CGI script that must be configured and installed on your server. To configure the script (called ""), you will need to open it with any standard text editor - such as NotePad or WordPad - and answer the 10 questions at the top of the script. Below are some instructions to help answer the questions and configure the script for your server.

NOTE: If you've never installed or executed any Perl scripts on your server before, it is recommended that you first try installing our basic test script as described on the following reference page:

By installing this basic Perl script first, it should help you to understand how to install and execute scripts on your server. It also will verify that your web hosting account is configured properly to run Perl scripts and will make installing the uReserveTM script that much easier.

1. What is the path to Perl on your server?

The uReserveTM script is written in the Perl programming language and so in order for it to run, you must specify the location of Perl on your server. Typical locations are #!/usr/bin/perl, #!/usr/local/bin/perl, and #!/bin/perl. (Note that the #! characters are required and should be included when specifying the path). You can ask your Web Hosting Provider for the location of Perl on your server.

Note: This path to Perl must be specified as the very first line of this script.

2. What is your uReserve License Number?

For this configuration question, enter the license number that you were given when you purchased uReserveTM. To do this, literally replace or type over this line in the uReserveTM CGI script. That is, change this line in the script from:

$license_number = "UNREGISTERED VERSION";

to something like:

$license_number = "ABC-123-456-789";

... where "ABC-123-456-789" is actually the license number that was assigned to you when you purchased uReserveTM.

3. What is your company's/organization's name?

For this configuration question, enter the name of your company/organization that will be using uReserveTM. An example value for this configuration question is:

$company_name = "My Company";

4. What is your website URL?

For this configuration question, enter the full URL of your website. An example value for this configuration question is:

$website = "";

5. What is the URL of this script on your website?

After you finish configuring this script, you will be putting in your "cgi-bin" or "cgi-local" directory on your server, so for this configuration question, enter the full URL of where this script will be installed on your server. An example value for this configuration questions is:

$script_url = "";

6. What is the full or relative path to your data directory?

As part of the installation of this uReserveTM script on your server (which is described in the next section), you will need to create a "data" directory on your server. This "data" directory is where uReserveTM will store all of the resource and schedule data files. Typically, this "data" directory should be created as a subdirectory of your "cgi-bin" or "cgi-local" directory ... and so assuming you do call the data directory "data" and you do create it as a subdirectory of your "cgi-bin", a typical value for this question would be:

$data_directory = "./data/";

Note that the value is specified relative to where the script will be located. In some cases, however, you may need to specify this question as the full directory path to your data directory....such as "/www/youraccount/cgi-bin/data/" on UNIX servers, or "C:/users/youraccount/cgi-bin/data/" on NT servers.

7. What would you like to be the start time of your reserve schedule?

This configuration question allows you to specify the start time of your daily online schedule display. This time should be specified as a 24-hour time ... so valid values will range from "0" to "23". For example, if you want your schedule display to start at 8 o'clock in the morning, then you would set this value to:

$time_range_start = "8";

8. What would you like to be the end time of your reserve schedule?

This configuration question allows you to specify the end time of your daily online schedule display. This time should be specified as a 24-hour time ... so valid values will range from "1" to "24". For example, if you want your schedule display to run up to 6 o'clock at night, then you would set this value to:

$time_range_stop = "18";

Note that this $time_range_stop time MUST BE GREATER THAN the $time_range_start value that you configured in the previous question.

9. What image would you like at the top of your schedule pages?

This configuration question allows you to specify the URL of any image that you would like to be displayed at the top of your online schedule displays. Note that this value must be a FULL URL ... beginning with "http"... so an example value might be:

$page_image = "";

Note that if you do not want any image displayed on the page, then just set this value to "NONE" (in ALL CAPS).

10. What is the administrator's password?

This configuration question allows you to specify a password for the uReserveTM administrator. The uReserveTM administrator will have special privileges that allow him/her to login to the uReserveTM Control Panel in order to add/edit resources. Furthermore, the administrator can use this password to change any of the resource reservations that regular user's made... even if they password protected their reservation. An example value for this configuration question is:

$login_password = "admin";

Additional Preferences

For advanced users, there are also a variety of additional preference settings by which you can configure such preferences as logging, email notifications, colors, fonts, labels, and more! The preference settings can be found near the top of the uReserveTM CGI script (just below the 10 main configuration questions) and are briefly described in the table below:

  Setting Description
1 $gen_date_format This setting allows you specify whether to use US date format (MM/DD/YYYY) or EUROPEAN (DD/MM/YYYY) date format. Valid values are "US" or "EUROPEAN".
2 $gen_start_day This setting allows you specify whether the weekly reservation schedule will begin on SUNDAYS or MONDAYS. Valid values are "SUN" or "MON". Important: Changing this setting will change the format of the data. Do NOT change this setting if you already have reservation data that you do not want to lose.
3 $gen_show_weekends This setting allows you specify whether the weekly reservation schedule will show weekends or not. Valid values are "YES" or "NO".
4 $gen_time_format This setting allows you specify whether the times on weekly reservation schedule will be displayed in STANDARD (AM-PM) format or in MILITARY (24-HOUR) format. Valid values are "STD" or "MIL".
5 $gen_maintain_log This setting allows you specify whether or not to record all reservations in a log file. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". Note that if this setting is set to "YES", then a bar-delimited log file called "reservation-log.txt" will be maintained in your "data" directory.
6 $gen_permission_level This setting allows you specify the general permission level of your reservation system. The permissions levels have been defined as follows:
1 - Anyone can make reservations and recurring events.
2 - Anyone can make reservations but only authorized users can make recurring events.
3 - Only authorized users can make reservations/recurring events.
4 - Anyone can make reservations but no one can make recurring events.
5 - Only authorized users can make reservations and no one can make recurring events.
7 $gen_email_admin This setting allows you specify whether or not to email the uReserveTM administrator each time a reservation is created/modified. Valid values are "YES" or "NO".
8 $gen_email_user This setting allows you specify whether or not to email the user (whoever is creating/modifying a reservation) a receipt of the reservation. Valid values are "YES" or "NO".
9 $gen_admin_email_address This setting allows you specify the email address of the uReserveTM administrator. This is the email address to which email notifications of reservations (see preference question #7 above) are sent. Note: Be sure to use single quotes (') around the email address that you specify here.
10 $gen_admin_email_subject This setting allows you specify the subject that will appear on email notifications that are sent to the uReserveTM administrator.
11 $gen_user_email_subject This setting allows you specify the subject that will appear on the email receipts that are sent to the user.
12 $gen_email_method This setting allows you specify the email method that this uReserveTM CGI Script will use to send email. If your server is a Unix server, then you should set this setting to "SENDMAIL" - in order to use the Unix "sendmail" utility. If your server is a Windows server, then you should set this setting to "SOCKETS" - in order to connect to your mail server via "sockets". Note: Some people with Windows server may not be able to use "SOCKETS". In that case, set this setting to "CUSTOM" and then contact us with the name of the email utility that your Windows server does support.
13 $gen_sendmail_path For Unix Servers Only - This setting allows you specify the path to "sendmail" on your server.
14 $gen_smtp_address For Windows Servers Only - This setting allows you specify the IP address or the Hostname of your mail server.
15 $page_background_image This setting allows you specify a background image that will be displayed on all schedule pages. This setting should be specified as the full URL of the image that you want to use - otherwise, set this setting to "NONE" in order to have no background image.
16 $page_background_color This setting allows you specify the background color of the schedule pages.
17 $page_font_face This setting allows you specify the font face used for the title areas of the schedule pages.
18 $page_font_size This setting allows you specify the font size used for the title areas of the schedule pages.
19 $page_font_color This setting allows you specify the font color used for the title areas of the schedule pages.
20 $page_link_color This setting allows you specify the link color used for the title areas of the schedule pages.
21 $page_vlink_color This setting allows you specify the vlink color used for the title areas of the schedule pages.
22 $page_alink_color This setting allows you specify the alink color used for the title areas of the schedule pages.
23 $page_title This setting allows you specify the title that will be displayed on all schedule pages.
24 $page_previous_button This setting allows you specify the label that will be displayed on the "Previous" button.
25 $page_next_button This setting allows you specify the label that will be displayed on the "Next" button.
26 $page_date_entry This setting allows you specify the label that will be displayed next to the "Date" entry area.
27 $graph_title_color This setting allows you specify the color of the title area of the daily schedule tables.
28 $graph_open_color This setting allows you specify the color of the open (available) time slots on the daily schedule tables.
29 $graph_reserved_color This setting allows you specify the color of the reserved (not available) time slots on the daily schedule tables.
30 $graph_font_face This setting allows you specify the font face used within the daily schedule tables.
31 $graph_font_size This setting allows you specify the font size used within the daily schedule tables.
32 $graph_font_color This setting allows you specify the font color used within the daily schedule tables.
33 $reserve_char This setting allows you specify the character(s) used to indicate reserved (not available) time slots on the daily schedule tables.
34 $reserve_image This setting allows you specify an image that will be used to indicate reserved (not available) time slots on the daily schedule tables. If you want to specify a reserved icon, then specify this setting as the full URL of the image that you want to use. If you do not want to use an image, just specify this setting as "".
35 $reserve_image_alt This setting allows you specify an "ALT" message that will be associated with the $reserve_image icon (if any) that was specified in preference setting #34 above.
36 $cell_width This setting allows you specify the width of each half-hour time slot on the daily schedule tables. The default value is "20" pixels... but this may need to be increased if you specify a large $reserve_char or a large $reserve_image.
37 $resource_title This setting allows you specify the resource title. The default value is "Resource", but depending on the type of resource that you will monitoring, you may want to change this setting to "Lab", "Conference Room", or "Sports Field".
38 $resource_prompt This setting allows you to override the default "At what time would you like to reserve this resource?" prompt.
39 $recurring_prompt This setting allows you to override the default "Is this a recurring event?" prompt.
40 $resource_field1 This setting allows you to override the default "Resource Name" field label.
41 $resource_field2 This setting allows you to override the default "Location" field label.
42 $resource_field3 This setting allows you to override the default "Capacity" field label.
43 $resource_field4 This setting allows you to override the default "Phone" field label.
44 $resource_field5 This setting allows you to override the default "Notes" field label.
45 $reserve_title This setting allows you to specify the title that appears on the "Reserve Resource" form.
46 $reserve_prompt This setting allows you to override the default "Please enter your contact information below:" prompt.
47 $reserve_field1 This setting allows you to specify the name of the first field on the "Reserve Resource" form.
48 $reserve_field2 This setting allows you to specify the name of the second field on the "Reserve Resource" form.
49 $reserve_field3 This setting allows you to specify the name of the third field on the "Reserve Resource" form. Note: If you have enabled the $gen_email_user option (preference setting #8 above), then this field must be used to collect the user's email address.
50 $reserve_field4 This setting allows you to specify the name of the forth field on the "Reserve Resource" form.
51 $password_prompt1 This setting allows you to override the default "Enter a password to protect your reservation: (Optional)" prompt.
52 $password_prompt2 This setting allows you to override the default "An authorized user name and password is required:" prompt.
53 $password_prompt3 This setting allows you to override the default "A user name and password is required for recurring events:" prompt.
54 $reserve_field5 This setting allows you to change the text of the "Password" field on the "Reserve Resource" form. Note that no matter what text you change this field to, it will still be treated as the reservation password.
55 $reserve_password This setting allows you to override the default "*A password is required for all modifications" message.
56 $reserve_window_height1 This setting allows you to specify the pixel height of the "Reserve Resource" popup window.
57 $reserve_window_height2 This setting allows you to specify the pixel height of the "Modify Resource" popup window.
58 $reserve_instructions This setting allows you to specify the instructions that appear under each daily schedule table. The default value is "To reserve a resource, click on the resource's name."
59 $reserve_results This setting allows you to override the default "Reservation Confirmed" text.
60 $reserve_info This setting allows you to override the default "Reservation Information" text.
61 $reserve_modify This setting allows you to override the default "Modify Reservation" text.
62 $modify_results This setting allows you to override the default "Reservation Modified" text.
63 $delete_results This setting allows you to override the default "Reservation Deleted" text.
64 $refresh_message This setting allows you to override the default "After closing this window, press REFRESH/RELOAD to update your browser's display" message.

Table 1 : Advanced Preference Settings

Installing The Script on Your Server

After editing/configuring the script, as described in the previous section, you will need to install the file in the CGI directory on your server. To do this:

  1. Use your favorite FTP program to transfer the "" file to the CGI directory on your server. IMPORTANT! When transferring this file, be sure to transfer it in ASCII or TEXT transfer mode (as opposed to BINARY or RAW transfer mode).

  2. Once the script has been transferred to the CGI directory on your server, give the script READ and EXECUTE permissions. If you have a UNIX server, you can give the script READ and EXECUTE permissions (chmod 755) with your FTP program. If you have an NT server, then you may have to get your web hosting provider to give the script EXECUTE permissions for you.

  3. As specified in the previous section, you will need to create a directory on your server where the uReserveTM data files can be stored. To do this, use your FTP program to create a new subdirectory called "data" in the CGI directory on your server.

  4. Once the "data" directory has been created in the CGI directory on your server, you will need to give that directory WRITE and EXECUTE permissions. If you have a UNIX server, you can give the directory WRITE and EXECUTE permissions (chmod 733) with your FTP program. If you have an NT server, then you may have to get your web hosting provider to give the directory WRITE permissions for you.
After following the above steps to install uReserveTM on your server, you can test that the CGI script is setup correctly by opening your browser and typing the full URL of the script on your server into the LOCATION box on your browser. This URL should be the same URL that you specified in question #5 of the script setup, such as:

Upon doing so, you should see the either the uReserveTM copyright page (if this is the first time using uReserveTM).... or the uReserveTM online schedule display (if you already created some resources). If you do not see the uReserveTM copyright page or the uReserveTM schedule display... and instead see some sort of a "Server Error", then something is not setup correctly, see the Troubleshooting section below.


In order to keep the troubleshooting information as up-to-date as possible, we have moved this Troubleshooting section to the uReserveTM online reference site at:

uReserve Control Panel

Once the CGI script is correctly installed on your server, you are ready to start using uReserveTM. Begin by logging in to the control panel and creating some resources.

Logging In

In order to login to the uReserveTM Control Panel, the administrator can use his/her browser to go to the URL of the uReserveTM script on your server ... followed by a special "?command=login" tag. This will actually be the same URL that you specified in configuration question #5... followed by "?command=login" such as:

TIP: To make logging in easier in the future, the administrator may want to bookmark this URL.

To login, just enter the password that you specified in question #10 of the script setup.

Adding Resources

The administrator can add additional resources for scheduling by pressing the "Add Resource" button on the control panel. Upon pressing the "Add Resource" button, an "Add Resource" form will be displayed. Simply enter the requested information in the form in order to add the new resource.

Editing Resources

The administrator can edit the static information associated with a resource by pressing the "Edit Resource" button on the control panel. Upon pressing the "Edit Resource" button, an "Edit Resource" form will be displayed that will allow the administrator to make any necessary changes. Note: Once reservations have started being made on a resource, it is recommended NOT to change the "name" of the resource.

Deleting Resources

The administrator can delete an existing resource by pressing the "Delete Resource" button on the control panel. Upon pressing the "Delete Resource" button, he/she will be prompted to select the resource to delete. Simply select the resource that is be deleted.

Authorized Users

If desired, the administrator may limit who is allowed to make reservations by creating/managing an "Authorized Users" list. The "Authorized Users" button on the uReserveTM Control Panel creates a form by which the administrator can easily add/delete Authorized Users. Note: See the "$gen_permission_level" preference setting in order to specify what Authorized Users are/aren't allowed to do.

uReserve Resource Scheduler

Once the administrator has added one or more resources, everyone can start using the uReserve's main resource scheduling feature start reserving the resources.

Viewing The Resource Schedule

To view the actual resource schedule, visitors just need to link to the URL of the script on your server, such as:

By just going to this URL, the online resource schedule will be displayed. You may want to consider putting a link to that URL somewhere on your main website so that visitors can easily link to that URL.

Reserving A Resource

To reserve a resource, the visitor just needs to click on the name of the desired resource on the desired day. Upon clicking on the name of the desired resource, a window will be displayed with some general information about the resource and a form by which the visitor can reserve the resource.

Note that if you would like to limit who is allowed to make reservations, see the "Authorized Users" option on the uReserveTM control panel.

Reservation Information

Time frames by which resources have been reserved (and are no longer available) will be displayed in a different color on the schedule displays. To find out specific information about a reserved time slot, visitors can click on the special character link that is located in the associated reserved time slot.

Modifying Reservations

To modify or delete a reservation, the visitor can needs to click on the special character link that is located in the associated reserved time slot. Select "Modify" in the resulting display and then make any desired changes.

Note that if a password was specified when the resource was originally reserved, then that password will also be needed before any "modify" or "delete" operations are performed.

Note that at any time, the administrator can use his/her password to override any of the visitor reservation passwords.

For additional information about uReserveTM or to find out about other great products from Microburst Technologies, Inc., please visit our website at: