If you've never installed or executed any Perl scripts on your server before, it
is recommended that you first try installing a very basic test script. This test
script (which you can download below) is the most basic of
Perl scripts - All it does is generate a test page similar to when you go to the URL
of the script on our site:
By following the directions below to install this script on your server, it should help
you to understand the basics of installing and executing scripts on your server. It will
also verify that your web hosting account is configured to run Perl scripts and will make
installing the uDownloadTM script that much easier.
Instructions For Installing The Test Script (cgitest.pl)
- Download the test script from our site by right-clicking on the following link and
saving it as "cgitest.pl" in a directory on your local desktop computer.
(Right-click and save as "cgitest.pl")
Note that some servers may require CGI scripts to end with the extension ".cgi" instead of
".pl". If this is the case for your server, simply rename the script to "cgitest.cgi".
- Open the script with any text editor such as WordPad.
- Set your server's path to Perl as the very first line of the script. This is a necessary
part of installing any Perl script. That is, in order for a script to run properly, you must
specify the path to Perl as the very first line of the script. You can usually find out what the
path to Perl on your server is by checking out your Web Hosting Provider's "CGI Help Page".
Otherwise, just ask you Web Hosting Provider what the path to Perl is on their server. Typical
values for the path to Perl are:
or for NT servers:
Note that you must include the "#!" before the actual path.
- After setting the path to Perl, save the script (as plain text if it asks) and exit your
- Use your FTP program to transfer the script to your server's CGI directory.
Note that it is very important that you transfer the script in ASCII or TEXT mode - as opposed
to BINARY or RAW mode. (There is usually a setting on FTP programs to select ASCII or BINARY
transfer mode. Select ASCII.)
Also note the CGI directory that you transfer the script into will usually be called "cgi-bin",
"cgi-local", or simply "cgi".
- Use your FTP program to give the script READ and EXECUTE permissions (chmod 755). Depending
on what FTP program you are using, this can usually be done by right-clicking on the file and
then selecting "Change permissions" or "chmod".
Note that if you have an NT server, you may have to get your Web Hosting Provider to give the
script the correct permissions so that the script is executable.
- Finally, try executing the script by starting your web browser and going to the URL of
the script on your server. Depending on your domain name and file/directory structure, the
URL of the script will be something like:
If everything was installed properly, you should get a test page similar to when you
go to the URL of the script on our site:
And that it! You now know how to install/configure Perl scripts on your server.
You are now ready to tackle installing
uDownload. Good Luck!