Welcome to Strubu Field Reservation Services! Here you can find all of the latest and most up to date listings of areas to reserve in the wide world of sports. Keep in mind that this is all to demonstrate the function and reliability of uDirectory and uReserve and how they can work in synergy.. Please note that the fields represented are for demonstration purposes only.
About us
Strubu Field Reservation Services were founded in late 1960, when Abraham Strubu Jr. became disallusioned with his family's shared goal of creating "the perfect fishpuck". You might recognize the name Strubu from his father's Strubu Sports, Inc. store, but don't be fooled. Strubu Field Reservation Services offer a much higher brand of service and support, and most importantly, finding the right field to play on! Abraham Strubu Jr., an avid player of everything from badminton to rugby, knows a good field when he sees one, and he knows that the truthful descriptions of the available fields can be invaluable to sports enthusiast, athlete and fan alike. As he liked to say around the office before his untimely death (he was struck in the head by a fishpuck at Regurk Rink) 'No sports fan can do, without a Strubu!'
The Honorable Abraham Strubu Jr. with the first football. Ever.